
We would like to offer you our best services and the possibility of working together.

We welcome companies and freelancers in Spain and abroad.

We already work with:

Capa 20
Capa 22
Capa 21

And in hundreds of Hardware Stores, Locksmiths, Carpentries and establishments specialized in Electronics, Automation and Home Automation, near your home.

Working together will only have advantages

Personalized technical support and after-sales service

Order delivery service in 24/48 hours and great PVP discounts.

Advertising services (brochures and catalogs with PVP price, emailing/web mailing service, nationwide distribution of brochures and positioning in web portals).

Contact us!

To become a distributor and/or installer of our products, fill out the following form, and we will contact you as soon as possible.

Customer details

remock® is the natural result of technological developments in the field of security. The conventional lock as an entry mechanism has hardly evolved in decades, so much so that approximately the vast majority of installed locks, although classified as “security” are very easy to open, allowing thieves to enter the door quietly and quickly, using lock picks, magic keys, bumping, drills or extraction tools. The solution to this problem is remock ONE® and remock PRO®, an invisible security lock that is impossible to pick because it cannot be seen from the outside, and remock MAGIC®, a motorized cylinder compatible with the invisible lock.